












2009-2013 山东科技大学本科

2013-2015 山东科技大学硕士(免试推免)

2015-2019 南京航空航天大学博士

2018-2019 加拿大University of Windsor联合培养博士




2019.12 2023.7   太阳集团所有网址16877 讲师 硕士生导师

2023.8-至今太阳集团所有网址16877  副教授硕士生导师



(1) 主持人,江苏省社会科学基金项目(22GLC020),5万,2022-06至2025-06。

(2) 主持人,国家自然科学基金青年项目7210211230万,2022-01至2024-12。

(3) 主持人,江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)面上项目(21KJB6300105万,2021-102023-09

(4) 主持人,江苏高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目2020SJA03421万,2020-09至2023-08。

(6) 第一参与人,国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金面上项目(72274098),45万,2023-01至2026-12。

(7) 第二参与人,国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金面上项目(72072092),48万,2021-01至2024-12。

(8) 第二参与人,教育部教育部人文社会科学规划项目(22YJA630022),10万,2022-122025-1




(1) Zhe Wang, Fan Wu, Wenxi Zhang, Multi-agent interest game and synergistic strategy in the reverse supply chain of retired power batteries, under review.(本科生共同一作)

(2) 王哲, 吴凡(本科生), 张文熙(本科生) ,多主体演化博弈视角下城市生活垃圾协同治理路径和政策优化研究, 在审。

(3) Zhe Wang, Cooperate or not cooperate? Recycling strategy of power battery reverse supply chain under different market structure. under review.

(4) Zhe Wang, Free Trial as a Marketing Strategy for Remanufactured Products, under review.

(5) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*, Yingyan LiuZaisheng ZhangVehicle product-line strategy under dual-credit and subsidy back-slope policies for conventional/new energy vehiclesComputers and Industrial Engineering, 2023, 177,109020.

(6) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*,Yingyan Liu, Zaisheng Zhang, Vehicle product-line strategy under dual-credit and subsidy back-slope policies for conventional/new energy vehicles, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2023, 177,109020.

(7) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*, Zhao Song, Zaisheng Zhang, Evolutionary game analysis on behavioral strategies of four participants in green technology innovation system, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, 44 (2), 960-977.

(8) Zhe Wang, Yue Wang*, Bangyi Li, Yongbo Cheng, Responsibility sharing strategy of product ecological design and collection in manufacturer-retailer closed-loop supply chain, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2023, 176, 108926.

(9) Yue Wang, Zhe Wang*, Bangyi Li, Yongbo Cheng, The choice of subsidy policy for incentivizing product design for environment, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2023, 175, 108883.

(10) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*, Xintao Li, Yingyan LiuZaisheng ZhangAn Evolutionary Analysis of Low-Carbon Technology Investment Strategies Based on the Manufacturer-Supplier Matching Game under Government Regulations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022, 29(29), 44597–44617. (SCI Q3)

(11) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*, Jiangtao Xu, Zaisheng Zhang. Green baton: how government interventions advance green technological innovation. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2022. (Article in Press).

(12) Wenping LiuBangyi LiZhe Wang*Qixiang WangYuyu ChenYongbo ChengConsequence analysis for integrating remanufactured products for social donation (RSD) under mandatory take-back regulationComputers & Industrial Engineering2022171, 108468. (SCI Q1)

(13) Zhe Wang; Yue Wang*; Zhi Liu;Jinshi Cheng;Xintong Chen, Strategic management of product recovery and its environmental impact . International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(20): 6104-6124. (SCI Q1)

(14) Li Liu, Zhe Wang*, Zai sheng Zhang. Matching-game approach for green technology investment strategies in a supply chain under environmental regulations. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2021,28:371-390. (SSCI Q1)

(15) Li Liu, Zai sheng Zhang, Zhe Wang*. Two-sided matching and game on investing in carbon emission reduction technology under a cap-and-trade system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 282(83):124436. (SCI/ SSCI Q1)

(16) Zhe Wang; Qixiang Wang*; Baixue Chen; Yue Wang; Evolutionary game analysis on behavioral strategies of multiple stakeholders in E-waste recycling industry, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2020, 155(104618). (SCI/ SSCI Q1)

(17) 王哲*; 李帮义; 王玥; 再制造品环境税征收政策研究, 科研管理, 2019, 40(2):186-198. (CSSCI/CSCD)

(18) Yue Wang; Zhe Wang*; Bangyi Li; Zhi Liu; Xiaodong Zhu; Qixiang Wang; Closed-loop supply chain models with product recovery and donation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 227: 861-876. (SCI/ SSCI Q1)

(19) Zhe Wang; Bangyi Li; Xiaodong Zhu; Baoying Xin; Yue Wang*; The impact of donation subsidy of remanufactured products on manufacturer's pricing-production decisions and performances, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 202: 892-903. (SCI/ SSCI Q1)




(1) 2023国家级老员工创新创业训练计划2项

(2) 2023年第九届全国老员工能源经济学术创意大赛全国一等奖(A类竞赛)

(3) 2023年全国高校商业精英挑战赛品牌策划竞赛全国二等奖(A类竞赛)

(4) 2023年“挑战杯”老员工课外学术技术作品竞赛校二等奖

(5) 2023年“挑战杯”老员工课外学术技术作品竞赛校优秀指导老师

(6) 2022年全国高校商业精英挑战赛创新创业竞赛全国一等奖(A类竞赛)

(7) 2022年全国高校商业精英挑战赛创新创业竞赛全国二等奖(A类竞赛)

(8) 2022年全国老员工电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛校一等奖

(9) 2022年国家级老员工创新创业训练计划1项

(10) 2022年全国老员工物流仿真设计大赛三等奖

(11) 2022年全国老员工智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛三等奖

(12) 2022年江苏省老员工创新创业训练计划2项

(13) 2022年太阳集团所有网址16877暑期社会实践优秀指导教师、优秀调研报告、优秀团队

